Applying to be a STEP Exchange Student
If you are interested in learning more the Rotary Short-term (STEP) Exchange Program or becoming a STEP exchange student contact your local Rotary Club.
Things to know about preparing for the STEP Program
- Short-term application should be submitted to your sponsoring Rotary Club along with the following documents
- (1) copy of the Short-term application
- (1) copy of the Short-term country selection list
- (1) copy of CISI Bolduc Insurance Application with a check payable to CISI Bolduc
- (1) Check payable to District 7430 STEP in the amount of $400
- You should have a valid passport, the expiration dates must NOT end within 3 months of the END of your exchange.
- All students are required to purchase CISI Bolduc Health Insurance (approx. $76-$208, depending on length of stay)
- District 7430 fee, check with District Short-term Chair for current cost
- Currently exchanging with 28 countries, the countries selection list is located on the Essex website:
- All applications MUST be typed
- All families must be vetted prior to hosting an exchange student. This vetting includes the following:
- Host Family Application
- 3 References
- Background checks for anyone over the age of 18 living in the household
- In-house interview/visit by a Club Rotarian